Amprion is expanding its transmission network and paving the way for a climate-friendly energy system.

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Our projects connect offshore wind farms in the North Sea to the transmission network.

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Offshore interconnectivity involves offshore cable connections between two or more offshore platforms.

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BalWin1 & BalWin2

BalWin1 and BalWin2 will transport a total of 4 GW to the Osnabrück area. The connection systems will go into operation in 2030 and 2031.

DolWin4 & BorWin4

DolWin4 and BorWin4 will each transmit 900 MW to Lingen. The two systems will run parallel to the A-North project between Emden and Wietmarschen. Commissioning is scheduled for 2028.

Windader West

Windader West will transmit a total of 8 GW to the consumption centres in North Rhine-Westphalia. The grid connection systems will go into operation between 2032 and 2036.